Day 1 of Michael Juniors Diary

 December 29, 2022

People may wonder why I decided to create an online blog about my personal life and coping with harassment from unidentified sources at this point. In middle school, I believe that our teachers required us to write in our diaries each night before bed. If people kept information about their private lives private, I would consider them to be incredibly stupid since it could be used against them and others. I am now able to leave a story of my own after gathering all the information and getting rid of gang stalking websites that were full of rubbish and fairy tales.Every night, I'll write a brief paragraph or two on the most recent events in my life. I won't spell-check the sentence because I still lack raspatories, or whatever they call a person's memory database. Since these are all facts rather than fiction or fairy tales that I have made up in my head, a lot of what I have to say will only make sense to an IT professional.I believe it's crucial to include some information about my life because I'm one of the few people who survived this terrible coronavirus and because ten semesters of school have rendered my memory cloudy to the point where even writing my own name is difficult for me. Thank goodness for spell check and grammar. I'm hoping that by sharing what I know and my strategies for surviving this hellish experience, I can aid the next victim.

Even though I still have a second part-time job at Ross slated for this weekend, my vacation with the company Home Depot began two days ago. I daydreamed about my new lover Yesendia the whole morning while I was in bed. I woke up about noon and scheduled a doctor's appointment for my hernia, which I had been dealing with since 2009 following a rigorous workout in my closest friend's apartment building's gym common area. Right next to BlockBuster videos and the long-gone H&R Block that bilked me on my taxes. I also had feelings for Tasha, an Ethiopian girl who lived across the street. One night, we came extremely close to reaching third base, but a minute man episode that came as a sudden surprise cut that night short and unpleasant. Thank God the neighborhood quick adolescent girl wasn't pregnant as a result of me. I didn't even get to take my pants off before my climax. In order to avoid having to wait for my check to be deposited and my new credit card, which I had applied for with the Revvi credit card firm, I went outside to where I had parked my used, battered Lincoln Town Car and replaced the flat tire.I was worried that the jack under the car might have toppled because of the snowstorm the previous evening. Additionally, I observed that nearly all four tires were now flat. I received my new credit card in the mail after getting home, so I immediately placed an order for Chinese food from The Great Wall, one of my favorite Chinese eateries. Spare ribs of pork with shrimp lou man's. Normally, I make an effort to avoid eating meat, but out of spite, I chose the pig.I was approached by two prostitutes who tried to entice me. Thankfully, I rebuffed them and never became addicted to sleazy women. However, I was able to tell that they heard about the rumors that had been spread about me and my friend Jae when we were in high school and we used to hustle and run the block. Knowing it's all a ruse, the hustle has become a one-way ticket to jail or death. I connected the Xbox SE once I got home and spent a few hours playing Halo endless. Considering a plan for computing my new database, Google Cloud Console, which the excellent president Obama made available. Being able to control oneself and upload one's thinking must be a new liberation. The civil rights movement has everyone in a panic. The frequent circle-driving of cars and the strange activities of individuals gathered around corners serve to drive crime out of the city and into foreign prisons. To silence the nagging voices from my past, I left my Rigol Lab Kit on to capture any extra radiation or viruses that were being flung at me. I'm about to get into a bubble bath and chug soda until I fall out right now.
